Friday, September 10, 2010

The book

I can't believe I haven't posted this considering it's been out there circulating for a while. Originally done as a piece for the Splashpage sketchbook, this wound up being a very inspirational piece for the graphic novel I'm working on in terms of tone. I think I turned it in along with the script as part of the overall pitch. As such, it's a pretty close representation of what the book looks like. I look at this sucker as a very 'excited' piece... completely lacking in the editing phase but full of the pure joy of putting pencil to paper. As much as I enjoy being critical, I hope to never get so analytical with the work that I lose sight of what made drawing fun for me in the first place: the feeling of lead smearing grey on white and watching something emerge from nothing.

Getting back to the book, I've started to see some pretty great color pages trickle in by the uber-talented Barbara Ciardo. It's like being a kid on Christmas..... ahem, ahem.


  1. holy mother of pearl!

    ...if this is what the book is gonna look like please put out a black and white version as well...or at least a sketchbook companion...not that there's anything wrong with color.

    beyond amazing Mr. Bermejo

  2. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I saw a pic of this piece floating around online a long time ago but had no idea where it was from or if it was a commission. Hope it'll also be an extra in your next book.

    So incredible to see it posted larger. Between this and the Calvin and Hobbes homage there's truly beautiful stuff going up as always!

  3. OMG, its exactly what i dreamed. Thanks for posting!

  4. Are you talking about Batman project?

  5. Yes, I'm most definitely talking about the Batman project. Like I said, this is a pretty close representation of the style the book is being drawn in. As far as a black and white version, it would be awesome but something tells me when you see the colors you won't be let down. They really are turning out great.

  6. So is this an unnofficial announcement that your new graphic novel (the one we've been hearing about since Joker came out) is a Batman story?
    Or are you still just addressing the tone and style?

  7. Looks awesome, can't wait for this to come out!

  8. Mr. Lee Bermejo, you are by far my favorite artist to ever draw Batman. Needless to say, I am full of excitement and anticipation for your new book.

  9. Brilliant!
    This will definitely on my must buy list!

  10. Incredible Lee. All the best. Craig
